How to schedule the Agent

With the time scheduler you can schedule the agent run on some regular bases (schedule). For example, you need to extract your data every working day at 12:00 AM or you need it extracted every hour. Time scheduler is supported in WebSundew Professional and Enterprise editions. It is available both in the program itself and as a separate application. To schedule the Agent you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Run WebSundew server (if it is not running). You can run it from the Windows start menu
    All Programs > WebSundew 4 (Edition) > Tools > Server
    Start Server
    You will see a symbol in the tray bar when it is run.
  2. Run scheduler application All Programs > WebSundew 4 (Edition) > Tools > Scheduler or open the perspective Scheduler in the main program.
    Switch to Sceheduler Perspective
  3. Connect to the server. Select server in the Server view and click Connect .
    Connect to server
    Also the server will be connected if you expand server in the Server view.
  4. Click Add Task in the tool bar. Task scheduler wizard will be activated.
    Add Task
  5. Select the project file and the Agent. Click Next .
    Select project and agent
  6. Select the scheduler mode you need (run the Agent Daily, Weekly, Monthly, ...). Click Next .
    Select Scheduler mode
  7. Configure scheduler. Also you can set up the date when the given scheduler mode starts and ends its work (blocks Starts and Ends). When all the necessary values are selected click Finish .
  8. A new task will appear in the Server view.
    New task is available


  • If you need to run the agent manually (you do not want to wait till it is run on schedule) click Run in the tool bar.
  • If you do not need to schedule your task in some standard way (daily, weekly, etc.) use CRON mode. CRON mode supports greater flexibility in scheduling. You can get more detailed information on CRON here .
  • If you want to stop the task you scheduled, switch the scheduler mode to None .
Page Modified 6/9/17 10:12 AM